Caroline & Stephen

Caroline & Stephen
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Incy Wincy Spider

Gabriellas' teething was hard on her today and she was in poor form - her temperature continues to spike and it is hard to console her in a way that she understands. We spent most of the day in the hotel room, trying to settle her. However we stole opportunities to break up the day and when she was in slightly better form we headed to the play park which is close by and Gabriella spent her time observing and assessing other children! Despite the strong arms of her daddy around her Gabriella would not take the confident step of pushing herself down the slide...but at least at the climbing bars she had one foot on the ground and we were pleased! Up until she has refused to walk....not that she is not able too but rather she wants to be 'nursed' and cuddled all of the time. This important ilestone wll have to be worked on following our return home (which is only one week today)!

In the evening and after enjoying a soothing tepid bath, we headed out again to Lucy's diner - it is convenient and provides good food which is really all of your key needs met in one go. From her highchair Miss Gabriella checked out the world as it passed by, and despite her sore mouth it did not deter her from eating.

In the early evening and following our return to the hotel room our key objective was to get Gabriella to bed - some chance!! The stimulation of going out lived on within Gabriella for many hours nd there was no sign of her going down to sleep :(. However my tuneless rendition of Incy Wincy Spider brought squeals of delight as she discovered she had tickles!! She has also started shouting at Stephen in order to get his attention and waving.....a magical moment.

We have a few trips planned for Sunday so will send more updated information later
Love Caroline, Stephen & Gabriella XXX


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