...and we are so thankful to Him for His blessing to us...at times we both feel so undeserving of it.
It is so hard to believe that Gabriella has been with us now for one year. Yet in many ways it feels like she has been with us forever. For us all the transition into family life has been one of great blessing and Gabriella herself has taken to her new life with enthusiasm and zeal. We have shared so much together over the last 12 months and the one thing that grown the most is our immense love for Gabriella. Our hearts just ooze love for her and she reciprocates it right back.
Gabriella herself has grown so much. At her August wall chart check (a wee monthly check that we carry out and which occurs on the first of every month) she measured 88cm tall, which represents a 15cm growth spurt over 12 months. She now weighs 12.5kg and her baby fat has given way to a lithe stature, which is fitting for her keen athleticism and eagerness to run! She continues to sleep and eat very well and just loves life. In many ways she is fearless and loves risky activities which does not do her mother much good given her risk averse personality! Her wonderful smile lights up the room as soon as she walks into it and her impish nature makes it hard not to laugh even when she pushes the boundaries.
Rather than writing it all down we have chosen a selection of photographs of Gabriella's life over the last 12 months - pictures speak louder than words and provide a far more accurate account of her development and love for life.
Thank you to you all for all your love, support and encouragement over the last 12 months. It has meant so much to us and we attribute this to how secure Gabriella is within her new life and how able she is to accept and receive love.
As we look forward in our family life together our parental prayer is that as Gabriella grows, she will come to know the greatest love of all...that given to her by our Lord Jesus and we pray that she will receive His love and salvation into her life.....
In closing we leave you with this wonderful praise that reflects the desire of our parental hearts...
Keith & Kristy Getty - A Mother's Prayer
Promise to keep updating you!
Love Caroline, Stephen & Gabriella XXX
A Look Back over the Last 12 Months
Blowing out Candles
It all started in China when we celebrated Stephen's birthday but unfortunately Gabriella did not take too well to blowing out candles on the birthday cake as the first picture shows!! However since then she has progressed in her 'puff' competency and is now rather good at it!!
Happy **nd (lol) Birthday Stephen!!
Happy 40th Birthday Mummy...but prefer playing with the balloon!
Happy Birthday Grandpa...getting the hang of this!
Happy Birthday Granny Beattie... just getting ready to blow the candles out
Happy 1st Gotcha Day Gabriella! Wow you definitely know how to blow out a candle now!
Our first Christmas.
It was at Christmas 2012 that we decided on the name Gabriella which means "In God's strength"
Little did we know how much of His strength we would depend on during 2013. But our God is all powerful and throughout last year he carried us through our disappointments and celebrations and it is quite fitting that Gabriella's name serves as a daily reminder of His promises....
Not too sure about him! Santa Claus at Hillmount Nursery
Enjoying her first Christmas tree
Santa arrived!
Love your shiny hat mummy
Our first Chinese New Year - The year of the horse
This year we celebrated Chinese New Year at the Waterfront and enjoyed watching the Nanjing Little Flower Dance troupe perform - so beautiful. Gabriella really enjoyed herself
Our first Easter
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
For Stephen and I Easter is our most special time of year. This year we had a wonderful Easter time and enjoyed many activities
Up from the grave He arose - Easter Sunday morning. A time of celebration and thanksgiving
Our Easter Tree
Egg Painting with friends at Dundrum.....
...and then enjoying rolling the eggs down the hill!
Aren't I pretty wearing my bunny ears?!
My Easter Egg basket which was put to good use
Easter Egg search at nanna and grandpa's...
...have I missed any nanna?
My first Easter Egg - "MINE!"
Thank you Little Lights Mother and Toddler Group - New Mills Presbyterian Church
First Mother's Day
Thank you for the beautiful pearl earrings Gabriella X
First Father's Day
I love swimming!
"..Is my hair alright mummy?"
I love animals, especially horses!
Gabriella just loves animals, especially horses. Here are a few photos of her enjoying her first trip to Belfast zoo and a few photos of her enjoying the equestrian life, including a pony ride at Castlerock beach during our holidays in August 2014
Giddy Up Horsey
Loved Toby so much she threw a tantrum when she had to get off!
Our visit to Belfast Zoo - May 2014
Some miscellaneous 'Firsts'
First Haircut - the custard cream helped to distract her!
First Dental appointment - glad dad and Doc McStuffin are here with me :)
First Ice Cream in a tub
First time to visit Morrellies - yummy!
All mine daddy!
First time to feel sand
First time to feel the cold of the Irish Sea - come on daddy get those shoes off!
First time to travel on a steam train - Portrush August 2014
All the glamorous ladies - first wedding - Harveys Point Donegal
Domestic & General Maintenance Course -
Competency Update!
As I have indicated in my pervious posts Gabriella has progressed well in her Domestic Goddess competency framework. She has worked hard as these photos demonstrate!!!!!
Well Done Gabriella - A*
Some Posing Photographs that
demonstrate Gabriella's funny personality
Ready for the off with panda in tow
Loves to dance to the music especially turning volume up full!
My first Gotcha Day celebrations
Finally it would be remiss of us to not include some wonderful memories from Gabriella's first gotcha day which we celebrated at the Slieve Donard hotel, Newcastle.
And when we look back at our first day with Gabriella we can see just how she has grown and developed......... and we give God thanks for His faithfulness and love
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